Nutrient Feeding Chart for Week 2

This Advanced Nutrients feeding chart is one of the most complete feeding charts you can use for growing your own cannabis. Their experts know exactly what cannabis growers need, which is why their products contain quality minerals for growing hydroponically as well as in organic substrates. As well as their incredibly large range of mineral products, they also stock organically certified products for those that prefer to grow natural cannabis. This particular version of their chart chart comes straight from Advanced Nutrients and is known as the Advanced Nutrients' Bigger Yields Flowering system.

      • Click here for the Grow – Micro – Bloom feeding chart
      • Click here for the Sensi Grow and Bloom feeding chart
      • Click here for the Connoisseur Grow and Bloom feeding chart
      • Click here for the Jungle Juice Grow – Micro – Bloom feeding chart
      • Click here for the Organic Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice feeding chart
      • Click here for the Sensi Grow and Bloom Coco Coir feeding chart
      • Click here for the Connoisseur Grow and Bloom Coco Coir feeding chart

    Advanced Nutrients Feeding Chart

    Advanced Nutrients is a professional brand that stocks an enormous amount of quality products, and sometimes it can be a bit hard to figure out what products you need and what plant stages you need them for.

    Keep in mind that these products are quite highly concentrated, so you need to make sure not to go overboard with them. Feeding charts are simply a guide that you can follow, but the individual doses involved may need to be decreased or increased depending on the strain you're growing, the method used and the amount of experience that you have. When in doubt, always use the lowest dose or you could end up burning out your plants.

    Advanced Nutrients stocks so many products that they have had to divide their feeding chart into four different sections for beginners, experts, professionals and masters. Each category increases the amount of nutrients you'll be giving your plants and you'll need to have the experience to go with it or else you might have some issues with your plants.

    If you grow cannabis inside but you don't have much experience, we do not recommend using anything more than the products considered apt for beginners. You may have issues controlling your plants' height with such potent products.

    Advanced Nutrients Feeding Chart – Base Fertilizers

    In order to follow the Advanced Nutrients Feeding Chart you'll need to choose between their long list of base fertilizers. They have mineral bases that use pH Perfect technology for hydroponics and soil, as well as 100% organic and certified base nutrients. They also have specific nutrient bases for those that prefer to grow in coco coir.

    pH Perfect Grow – Micro – Bloom: These three products, when used together, make up the perfect nutritional base for your plants. Thanks to its pH Perfect formula you'll be able to keep the pH in your nutrient solution at the perfect level for up to a week. Three-part nutrients aren't generally used when growing hydroponically, but Advanced Nutrients have figured out an efficient and professional way to do so.

    pH Perfect Sensi Grow and Bloom A+B: These might be the most efficient nutrient bases by Advanced Nutrients due to the amount of extra product in them. The manufacturers state that when you use Sensi Grow and Bloom, you're using up to 5 premium products in one.

    It contains humic and fulvic acids obtained from volcanic rocks that were chosen specifically for growing cannabis. It also contains up to 20 types of amino acids that increase growth and flowering spectacularly. Just like their other bases, it contains chelated nutrients that your plants can absorb easily, and pH Perfect technology that makes the process much easier.

    Also available in coco coir format.

    pH Perfect Connoisseur Grow and Bloom A+B: Their Connoisseur range was designed and created for expert growers – the manufacturers state that these bade nutrients are for professional or industrial growers that supply medicinal dispensaries. These products are designed for growers that already know how to harvest enormous amounts and are looking to harvest even more.

    Just like the bases we've already mentioned, Connoisseur products contain pH Perfect technology and all of their main and secondary nutrients are in chelate form so that your plants can make the most of them and absorb them all.

    Also available in coco coir format.

    Jungle Juice Grow – Micro – Bloom: After years of work and lab testing, the scientists at Advanced Nutrients were able to create a three-part nutrient base that's perfect for both hydroponics and soil/peat substrates.

    These three base nutrients are used together, changing the amount used of each depending on the stage your plants are in. The manufacturers ensure growers that Jungle Juice is capable of giving your plants everything they need to grow and flower successfully.

    Iguana Juice Grow + Bloom: Iguana Juice is Advanced Nutrients' renowned organic base fertilizer. It's the only organic base that comes in one bottle and still contains such a large range if macro and micro-nutrients in chelate form, as well as being fully organic and certified. Many products that advertise as organic don't actually have any official seals or certifications, and tend to contain non-organic ingredients.

    All of its ingredients are fully dissolvable, so you can use these products in hydroponic systems, although you might want to keep an eye on your pH and EC levels; their organic range does not contain pH Perfect technology. Also, remember to change your nutrient solution regularly, as organic nutrients don't last as long as mineral ones.

    As well as containing a large number of beneficial organic ingredients for your plants, these organic bases are designed for indoor growing. Advanced Nutrients has managed to get rid of many issues caused by using organic products indoors, increasing absorption rates and decreasing the nasty smell that they tend to emit.

    Advanced Nutrients Feeding Chart – Additives

    Advanced Nutrients has an incredibly long list of additives and nutrients for your cannabis plants; each product has a different purpose and they're all used alongside base nutrients in order to improve yield and general performance in your plants. Most of their products are mineral based and designed for hydroponics, although they can be used in other substrates such as soil, and they also have a small range for organic growing and in coco coir.

    Nutrients for beginners

    Voodoo Juice: This additive is used at the start of the growth and flowering periods in order to increase growth considerably. It's a stimulant that gives your plants microbes and bacteria that are incredibly beneficial for their roots.

    The bacteria make sure that your plants can absorb all of the nutrients available in their substrate and from the other products used. We also recommend using Voodoo Juice when transplanting and when working with clones in order to strengthen their root systems.

    Big Bud: This flowering stimulant is used to increase the quantity and quality of your buds. They'll begin to produce a lot more pistils and, thanks to its smooth phosphorus and potassium content, your flowers will begin to grow quite a lot. You can then fatten them with the necessary nutrients.

    B-52: If you're looking to improve your plants' general health, B-52 is the perfect additive for you. It helps improve the photosynthetic process, allowing your plants to move nutrients around much easier and faster.

    Your plants will start flowering much earlier and they'll be able to deal with stressful issues such as low or high temperatures, drought, intense light etc. They should flower without any issues at all.

    Overdrive: This additive contains a series of potent ingredients that stimulate flowering in cannabis plants. Towards the end of the flowering period, plants naturally stop fattening their buds; with overdrive you can trick them to keep on fattening up, reaching enormous sizes and increasing resin yield, flavors and aroma.

    Nutrients for experts

    Piranha: Piranha is used to stimulate your plants' roots, allowing them to absorb many more nutrients. It's a combination of trichoderma and mycorrhizae that work symbiotically with your plants' roots, increasing their size which thus increases general plant size.

    Another great benefit is that Piranha protects your plants' roots  from pathogens and other stressful factors.

    Bud Candy: This is the perfect combination of carbs, calcium and magnesium for cannabis plants; Bud Candy increases resin yield, filling your buds up and creating trichome sos big that you can almost see them individually.

    You can increase yield quite a lot by using Bud Candy, and that extra layer of resin will also increase flavor. This product improves flavor in cannabis flavors without altering it.

    Flawless Finish: You'll need to use this product in order to wash out your plants roots, especially when using mineral products. This is done in order to remove any chemical residues or organic material from your plants roots, as it can alter the final flavor of your buds if not done properly.

    This product is perfect for aquatic growing media such as hydroponics and aeroponics; let it circulate for around 6 hours and your plants will be complete clean. When growing in soil, we recommend watering with plenty of Flawless Finish at least twice. Make sure that the substrate is fully dried before you water again.

    Nutrients for professionals

    Tarantula: This product works beautifully with Piranha and Voodoo Juice thanks to its combination of beneficial fungi that protect your plants roots from insects, stress and pathogens.

    Nirvana: If you're looking for an organic flowering stimulant, Nirvana is the additive you need. It essentially gives your plants an explosive flowering period. It contains bio-catalyzers that your plants' roots absorb super-fast – it works amazingly with Iguana Grow and Bloom, Advanced Nutrients' organic base.

    Sensizym: This enzyme complex is designed to decompose any residues leftover in your plants substrate, turning them into carbohydrates that your plants can absorb. It also finds your plants' dead roots and decomposes them, allowing new roots to grow in their place.

    This product is also used in hydroponic systems in order to make sure that minerals don't end up accumulating in the tank, which could accidentally end up turning into toxic molecules.

    Nutrients for masters

    Bud Ignitor: In order to give your plants the best possible flowering period, we recommend using Bud Ignitor. They'll begin flowering much earlier, producing a lot more flowers in much less time. Keep in mind that produces designed for "master" growers increase your plants' size quite a lot, which might not be in your best interests if you're growing indoors or if you're a beginner and still haven't mastered topping and pruning.

    Rhino Skin: This product contains silicon, a basic element that is essential when growing hydroponically or aeroponically as it's not included in the substrate. It's not recommended for soil growing, as soil already contains normal levels of silicon.

    It's used to reinforce your plants' cell walls, kind of like giving them armor. Their trunks, branches and leaves will grow much stronger than before, capable of dealing with more stress and heavier buds.

    Bud Factor X: Reinforce your plants' immune system with Bud factor X, avoiding nutrient deficiency and creating a natural protection against intense UV light from the sun and excess heat from your lights. As well as strengthening your plants, it increases flavor, resin and aroma thanks to the ingredients, increasing essential oils in your plants.

    Organic nutrients

    Big Bud Organic: This organic stimulant is used alongside Advanced Nutrients' organic bases in order to naturally and organically increase yield, aroma and flavor. It's OIM certified, guaranteeing fully organic results.

    Bud Candy Organic: If you're worried about altering your buds' flavor you can always use the organic version of Bud Candy in order to make sure that your plants have a fully natural diet. You can increase aroma and flavor via organic ingredients and carbs.

    Sensizym Organic: Keep your plants' healthy and strong thanks to Sensizym organic, a product that uses enzymes to decompose dead roots and create more, while also protecting them and increasing growth in general.

    Ancient Earth Organic: This product is perfect for hydroponic, soil and coco substrates. Ancient Earth is an additive that essentially allows your plants to absorb a lot more nutrients from their substrate. It also helps to stabilize pH, decreasing fluctuations when growing using Advanced Nutrients' organic range.

    How to use the Advanced Nutrients Feeding Chart

    The Advanced Nutrients feeding chart, as you've just read, has four different levels; beginner, professional, expert and master. This distinction is made due to the differences in yield in each tier. The more nutrients and products used, the harder it is to control the outcome and your plants may grow out of control if you're a beginner, too. According to the chart, each level means a significant increase in overall yield at the end of the harvest.

        • Beginner: At least an 11.37% increase is guaranteed.
        • Experts: If you consider yourself an expert, you can increase yield up to 19.73%
        • Professional: Professional growers can increase their overall yield up to 28.96%
        • Master: If you manage to gain mastery of growing cannabis, you can increase your final yield up to an incredibly 37.89%

    Keep in mind that these numbers refer to hydroponic grows and when using mineral products. Advanced Nutrients' products can be used in soil and coco coir too, although they are designed for hydroponic growing. You'll also need to figure in the fact that these doses are relative, too; these charts are simply guides so that you can find the perfect balance for your plants.In the following charts we're going to include all of the additive from each level; consult the above list or the photo in order to see which ones you should be using for your level. Choose one of the six Advanced Nutrients' base nutrient ranges and begin growing!

    When working with any type of grow schedule, you need to keep in mind that they are a simple guide that you shouldn't follow blindly. You should generally use the minimum doses while also keeping a close eye on EC levels and take notes for the best possible results. Make sure to keep an eye on your plants and how they react after every feeding in order to get a better feel for how they're doing with their current dose.


    Before you start growing in soil, you should know that you should only add fertilizers to your water every second time you water your plants. The amount that you water your plants may vary depending on their state and period, as well as the environment surrounding them. make sure to be patient, and only water your plants with nutrients when they need it with a normal watering in between.

    Hydroponic grows:

    When growing hydroponically, you'll need to change the nutrient solution in your tanks at least once a week. After a week, the pH and amount of available nutrients in your plants' substrate can begin to vary. For that first week however, thanks to their pH perfect technology, you shouldn't need to touch the pH at all. make sure to keep a pH and EC meter handy just in case.

    Coco coir grows:

    If you're growing in coco coir you need to include nutrients every single time you water, or else your plants may begin showing signs of nutrient deficiency or they simply may begin to die. Make sure not to add calcium and magnesium to coco coir, as the base nutrients are already equipped to deal with the lack of calcium and magnesium in coco coir substrates. When watering in coco coir you should always make sure that some water drains out the bottom.

    General recommendations:

    When mixing your Advanced Nutrients products in your water tank, the first thing you need to do is add in the additives needed for that particular week, and then add the base nutrients until the EC reaches the desired limit. All doses below are in millilitres and are per liter of water used.

    We don't mention EC levels, as it may be slightly counterproductive depending on the conditions in your grow room, the strain that you're growing and especially the quality of the water you're using – many different elements affect EC levels, so we recommend that you should check out the AN charts that come with the products themselves.

    Grow – Micro – Bloom pH Perfect Feeding Chart

    These nutrient bases have pH perfect technology, so they will automatically adjust the pH in your nutrient solution or tank. If the growth and/or flowering periods are longer, keep using the dose from the last week mentioned until two weeks before harvesting in order to flush your plants roots with Flawless Finish by Advanced Nutrients.


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4+
    Grow 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    Micro 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    Bloom 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7+
    Grow 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L
    Micro 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L
    Bloom 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Big Bud 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Overdrive 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Candy 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Tarantula 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Nirvana 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Sensizym 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Ignitor 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Rhino Skin 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Factor X 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L

    Sensi Grow and Bloom pH Perfect Feeding Chart

    These nutrient bases have pH perfect technology, so they will automatically adjust the pH in your nutrient solution or tank. If the growth and/or flowering periods are longer, keep using the dose from the last week mentioned until two weeks before harvesting in order to flush your plants roots with Flawless Finish by Advanced Nutrients.


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4+
    Sensi Grow A+B 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7+
    Sensi Bloom A+B 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Big Bud 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Overdrive 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Candy 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Tarantula 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Nirvana 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Sensizym 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Ignitor 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Rhino Skin 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Factor X 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L

    Connoisseur Grow and Bloom pH Perfect Feeding Chart

    These nutrient bases have pH perfect technology, so they will automatically adjust the pH in your nutrient solution or tank. If the growth and/or flowering periods are longer, keep using the dose from the last week mentioned until two weeks before harvesting in order to flush your plants roots with Flawless Finish by Advanced Nutrients.


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4+
    Connoisseur Grow A+B 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7+
    Connoisseur Bloom A+B 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Big Bud 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Overdrive 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Candy 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Tarantula 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Nirvana 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Sensizym 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Ignitor 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Rhino Skin 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Factor X 1.5ml 2ml 2ml 2ml 1.5ml 1ml

    Jungle Juice Grow – Micro – Bloom Feeding Chart

    These base nutrients, unlike the previous ones, do not contain pH perfect technology, therefore you will need to measure pH in nutrient solutions and adjust accordingly.If the growth and/or flowering periods are longer, keep using the dose from the last week mentioned until two weeks before harvesting in order to flush your plants roots with Flawless Finish by Advanced Nutrients.


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4+
    Jungle Grow 0.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L
    Jungle Micro 0.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L
    Jungle Bloom 0.2 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L
    Sensi Cal-Mag 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7+
    Jungle Grow 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L 1.3 ml/L
    Jungle Micro 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L 2.6 ml/L
    Jungle Bloom 2.6 ml/L 6 ml/L 6 ml/L 6 ml/L 6 ml/L 6 ml/L 4 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Big Bud 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Overdrive 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Candy 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Tarantula 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Nirvana 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Sensizym 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Bud Ignitor 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Rhino Skin 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Bud Factor X 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L

    Organic Advanced Nutrients Feeding Chart – Iguana Juice Grow and Bloom

    If you prefer growing organically, Advanced Nutrients' Iguana Juice bases are perfect for you. Keep in mind that you still need to measure pH and adjust accordingly. If the growth and/or flowering periods are longer, keep using the dose from the last week mentioned until two weeks before harvesting in order to flush your plants roots with Flawless Finish by Advanced Nutrients.


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4+
    Iguana Juice Organic Grow 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    Bud Candy Organic 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Ancient Earth Organic 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Sensizym 2 ml/L 2 ml/L


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7+
    Iguana Juice Organic Bloom 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L
    Big Bud Organic 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Candy Organic 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Ancient Earth Organic 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Sensizym Organic 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Nirvana 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L

    Sensi Coco Grow and Bloom Feeding Chart

    Advanced Nutrients also have a nutritional base range designed for growing in coco coir. Keep in mind that you'll need to measure pH and adjust accordingly.If the growth and/or flowering periods are longer, keep using the dose from the last week mentioned until two weeks before harvesting in order to flush your plants roots with Flawless Finish by Advanced Nutrients.


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4+
    Sensi Coco Grow A+B 1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    B52 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Voodoo Juice 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Tarantula 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7+
    Sensi Coco Bloom A+B 3 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 3 ml/L
    Big Bud Coco 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Candy 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Overdrive 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Factor X 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Nirvana 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L

    In this particular case we've left some of the coco safe products out of the chart so that it's simpler to follow. If you want to add the rest of the products, simply add 2 ml of each additive to your nutrient solution. Some specific coco products may not be available for purchase in your country – find out at any of our retail stores.

    Connoisseur Coco Grow and Bloom Feeding Chart


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4+
    Connoisseur Coco

     Grow A+B

    1 ml/L 2 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L
    B52 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Voodoo Juice 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Piranha 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Tarantula 0.5 ml/L 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L


    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7+
    Connoisseur Coco Bloom A+B 3 ml/L 3 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 4 ml/L 3 ml/L
    Big Bud Coco 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Candy 1 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Overdrive 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    VooDoo Juice 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    B52 2 ml/L 2 ml/L
    Bud Factor X 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L
    Nirvana 1.5 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 2 ml/L 1.5 ml/L 1 ml/L


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