The Episode When Ross Marries Raxhwl Again

Ross and Rachel (besides known as Roschel) is a romantic pairing between Ross Geller and Rachel Greene. This relationship is i of the main plot lines of Friends and seems to be the "One Truthful Pairing" or endgame of the show.

Prior to the evidence, unrequited love

Ross and Rachel start met when Rachel became friends with Monica at school. They all attended Lincoln High Schoolhouse at the same time, albeit that Ross was in a higher grade. Rachel was also a frequent company to the Geller habitation as her parents were best friends with Ross and Monica's parents. For a few years, Rachel lost impact with Ross and Monica, though she did run into Monica 1 year prior to The Airplane pilot, while out celebrating her appointment to Barry Farber, at the bar which was to be converted into Central Perk.

Ross has harbored a crush for Rachel since the ninth form.

Season 1

Prior to becoming a couple, Ross and Rachel were close friends, often confiding one another virtually their by relationships.

When Rachel moves to the city after running out on her wedding to Barry Farber, Ross tries to rekindle his amore, but his timidness and bad timing foreclose this.

Rachel confesses to Ross about her relationship with Barry and how it was a big mistake. He, in plough, tells her about his failed matrimony to Carol. Rachel then asks why some relationships merely don't work and wonders if she volition observe one that makes her experience happy. ("The 1 With The Sonogram At The End")

They spend the 24-hour interval at the laundromat, with Ross teaching Rachel how to practise laundry after she confesses to beingness a "laundry virgin". She kisses him equally a give thanks-you for helping her. ("The 1 With The Eastward German Laundry Detergent")

When the urban center experiences a blackout, Ross (in an effort to tell his feelings for her), tells Rachel that he sees a "bright light" in her futurity. Missing the bespeak, she appreciatively thanks Ross, greatly disappointing him ("The One With The Coma").

At Ross' grandmother'due south funeral, when he vicious into an empty grave, Rachel was greatly concerned near his well-beingness, as she gasped when he fell in. At the reception, a drunken Ross (in an attempt to again tell her his feelings) tells Rachel that he loves her, to which she replies "You know who I love the most? You!". However, an angry Ross stammers "Y'all don't get it!" and passes out on Rachel'due south lap and she comforts him ("The 1 Where Nana Dies Twice").

When anybody finds out the sex of Ross' babe except the begetter himself, Rachel is the ane who accidentally lets it sideslip ("The One With The Dozen Lasagnas"), greatly surprising him and turning him away from their give-and-take of her giving upward on guys. Years subsequently, Ross is the one who lets sideslip that he and Rachel are having a girl.

Ross spends an evening with Rachel in a laundromat, working on boosting her confidence when she thank you him enthusiastically with their outset official kiss. What makes this worse is Rachel dating an Italian stud named Paolo and her ex-fiance's reappearance. Chandler eventually tells Ross to forget virtually Rachel. Rachel finds out Paolo is not a good guy and breaks up with him. Just earlier Ross goes on his flight to Red china for a fossil dig, Chandler accidentally lets it slip that Ross had feelings for Rachel. ("The I Where Rachel Finds Out")

Season ii

Rachel decides to rush to the airdrome to run into Ross and discuss their feelings for 1 another, but Ross returns with a new girlfriend, Julie, and Rachel is hurt and embarrassed. She begins to feel feelings for Ross, and the new feelings become a big burden and she becomes jealous of Ross' relationship with Julie. Drunk i dark, Rachel leaves a bulletin on Ross' answering auto challenge she is "over him" and that she has had the closure that she needs. When Ross hears this bulletin, he becomes dismayed and has to choose between Julie and Rachel. Later on a very heated argument at the coffee business firm, Ross and Rachel share a second, and extremely passionate, buss. ("The One Where Ross Finds Out") Ross, still having to decide between Rachel or Julie, creates a listing of pros and cons of the both of them. He ultimately decides that he loves Rachel and picks her. When she finds out about his list, nevertheless, their relationship immediately ends, having not lasted fifty-fifty an hr. ("The One With The List") Ross gets jealous when he receives a message from a guy Rachel met at the movies. After Rachel sees a video from their teenage years where Ross was filmed planning to ask her to be his date at the high schoolhouse prom when her date had not arrived, only to miss his chance when her date all of a sudden turned up anyhow, she is touched and passionately kisses him. The two finally become a couple. ("The 1 With The Prom Video").

Afterwards being together for a week, it is the day of Ross and Rachel'due south very kickoff engagement. They are seen returning from a foreign movie and showtime to kiss passionately only Rachel starts laughing when she feels his hands on her bottom. It's a nervous laugh every bit they're "crossing that line" but finer the date is over. For their second date they plan a romantic meal simply Ross has to go work offset and so he takes her to the museum just because he ends upwardly having to piece of work after than he'd hoped, they miss their dinner reservation. Ross makes it up to Rachel past taking her upstairs to the planetarium and they sleep together for the first time, which results in the ii being caught by schoolhouse children who are watching them the following morn. ("The One Where Ross And Rachel... Y'all Know")

When Ross and Rachel look subsequently Ben for a few days, Rachel is nervous about never looking after a baby and Ross says it'southward no large bargain, while slipping up that it'll be different for her when it's their baby. Rachel is shocked that Ross has brought this up since they have only been dating for 6 weeks and he is already thinking nearly their future - which includes them apparently not wanting to raise a child in the city, so they'll move to Scarsdale and have two children - hopefully the girl would come up get-go for Ben's sake of "not feeling too competitive". This freaks Rachel out and she and Ross talk. While talking near all of this, they admit they love each other for the first time and share a passionate buss. ("The Ane Where Quondam Yeller Dies") This foretells the birth of their daughter later on in the series.

Season three, romance

Rachel asks Ross what fantasy's he has and he tells her about Princess Leia with the gold bikini, Rachel tells Ross she'll practise information technology for him, which she does. ("The 1 With The Princess Leia Fantasy.) Rachel'southward begetter wants to meet with her and Ross, which results in him non liking Ross, which worries Rachel since her parents can't be in the aforementioned room and she doesn't desire the same thing to happen with Ross. Rachel invites her begetter over for brunch with her and Ross and the ii eventually appear to exist getting along gradually, helping Rachel since she wants her father and young man to get forth. ("The 1 With The Race Machine Bed"")

Afterwards almost a twelvemonth together as a couple, Ross gets jealous when Rachel becomes close with Mark Robinson and Rachel confronts Ross about it, proverb he doesn't need to be jealous since she loves him and non Mark. However, when Ross says he is hanging out with a stripper (from the political party the dark before) as she has a son Ben'south age, Rachel becomes jealous and passionately kisses Ross. ("The Ane With All The Jealousy") Later, on their beginning ceremony, Rachel has to work so Ross brings a picnic to her piece of work, much to her annoyance since she doesn't "have the time" to exercise this and she kicks him out of her part. Ross and Rachel contend over Rachel's friendship with her male person coworker, Mark, and Rachel announces that she thinks they should accept "a interruption." Ross, thinking that Rachel is ending the relationship, becomes and then drunk that he sleeps with "the hot daughter from the copy identify", Chloe. The next morn, Rachel does not know of the one-dark-stand up and wants to resume their relationship. Withal, afterwards Ross fails to stop Rachel from finding out, she breaks upwards with Ross in an emotional scene that involves Ross and Rachel arguing in Monica's living room while the other four friends were trapped in Monica's bedchamber eating wax and both Ross and Rachel are left devastated and heartbroken. ("The Ane With The Morning Afterwards")

From then on, the two share an almost-on-again-well-nigh-off once again relationship. Ross sacrifices the opportunity to be on Discovery Channel in order to have care of Rachel's cleaved rib in "The Ane With A Chick And A Duck", and the two share a tender moment when Rachel realizes what Ross gave upwards to accompany her. She is very touched that he gave this up for her and says it's "the sweetest matter". Ross leaves to permit Rachel get some sleep and she sadly says "Yeah, see ya", in a heartbroken/sadly tone while he sits exterior her flat sadly. Ross gets suspicious and is not happy when Rachel goes to see Joey's play with a guy named Tommy. Ross tries to warn Rachel about Tommy for screaming and not beingness a prissy guy, while slipping up that he is jealous before claiming that he isn't when he clearly is, which even Chandler notices. ("The I With The Screamer")

When Phoebe fixes Ross up with her "bald friend" Bonnie in "The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion", Rachel is clearly jealous when she sees that Bonnie is no longer baldheaded, with beautiful flowing hair. While at the beach, where Phoebe learns the true identity of her nascence female parent, Rachel convinces Bonnie to shave her head over again. When Ross asks her why she did information technology, Rachel admits that it'southward because she still has feelings for him and the pair share a passionate osculation. Ross is and then seen standing outside the doors of Rachel and Bonnie's bedrooms, forcing himself to choose between them. ("The One At The Beach")

Flavor four

While Ross is next door breaking up with Bonnie, Rachel pens a rather long alphabetic character to Ross ("eighteen pages, front and back!") request him to have responsibleness for their first break-upwardly. However, Ross falls asleep while reading the letter, and later bluffs that he agrees with what the letter of the alphabet has to say. Afterward reading the entire alphabetic character, which asks him to take total responsibility for all the things that went incorrect in their human relationship, he finds out that he strongly disagrees. He tries to swallow his pride and deed like he accepts it; yet, when the pair are in bed, and Rachel says she's glad she didn't accept her mother's advice "once a cheater, ever a cheater" he finally snaps. A very loud "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" is heard being shouted past Ross from the bedroom and they angrily break upwardly again. ("The One With The Jellyfish")

Ross and Rachel argue a lot in the offset of the fourth season, where they basically detest/can't stand each other and are arguing a lot. They both endeavour to make each other jealous when she gets a much younger boyfriend Josh and he states that he is dating a woman named Amanda. However, Monica reveals the truth most the people to both Ross and Rachel. ("The I With Joey's New Girlfriend") After Chandler finds out Kathy has been cheating on him, the friends condolement him. Rachel states to Chandler that merely considering he and Kathy got into a fight, it "does not justify her sleeping with someone", which is the same affair that happened with Ross and Rachel. Ross is shown to exist very hurt by what Rachel has said. He tentatively states, "Well...if she thought they were on a break...", abrasive everyone. ("The One With Rachel's Vanquish")

Ross and Rachel eventually start to get along improve after a while. Rachel is asked by her boss Mr. Waltham to accept out his niece Emily who is visiting from London, but she asks Ross equally she wants to go to Joshua's nightclub on the same nighttime. Afterward they run into, he agrees to exercise so. Rachel is unable to see Joshua at the nightclub and is dismayed when Ross calls from Vermont, where he and Emily are staying in a bed and breakfast. ("The One With Joey'due south Muddy Solar day") In guild to get amend reacquainted with Joshua, she secretly invites him to a fake "bon voyage" political party for Emily, who is returning to London after two weeks of dating Ross, inadvertently interfering with Ross' romantic plans with her. After several failed attempts to get Joshua to notice her, including trying to kiss him during a game of "Spin The Bottle" and doing a cheerleader number for Emily, where she ends up with a sore lip, Rachel eventually admits her feelings to Joshua. He reveals that although he likes her back, his matrimony has simply but ended and then he is non prepare to get-go dating yet. Rachel somewhen consoles Ross and tells him how much Emily really does like him. After this, Joshua returns and the pair begins a coincidental and uneasy relationship, starting with her inviting him over for coffee. ("The One With The Fake Party")

When Emily leaves, Ross tells her he loves her at the airdrome. Much to Ross' despair, she responds with "thank you". The side by side time he hears from her, he finds out that she is dating another human named Colin. He goes to London to see her, while Emily returns to New York and calls Ross to tell him that she loves him too. ("The One With The Free Porn") When Emily is about to go out once more, Ross asks her to motion in with him. She rejects his offer, inadvertently mentioning spousal relationship in the process. Ross and Emily decide to get married and announce their engagement correct in front of Rachel. She is left teary-eyed but congratulates the couple. ("The I With All The Haste") In reality, Rachel is jealous and upset and flippantly says to Joshua that they should besides marry equally if it would be no large deal. He rejects this offer, as his divorce is non notwithstanding final. Rachel afterwards tries to call him to tell him she is going through a hard time, simply only leaves a bulletin on his answering automobile. ("The One With All The Wedding Dresses") Ross invites Rachel to the wedding, but after thinking about her time with Ross, she decides not to go equally it would exist too hard for her and she cries over losing him. ("The One With The Invitation")

After Ross leaves, Phoebe manages to make Rachel realize that she is, in fact, nevertheless in love with Ross. She, yet, fails to stop Rachel from going to London to tell Ross. ("The One With Ross' Nuptials, Part 1") Rachel finally gives up her adventure to tell Ross after seeing how happy he is with his wifehoped-for and gives him her blessing. The two hug and Rachel is heartbroken most losing her true love. When Ross accidentally says Rachel's proper name instead of Emily'southward at the chantry ("The 1 With Ross' Nuptials, Part 2"), Emily is humiliated and runs away, and Rachel is left wondering if Ross said her proper name because he withal loves her.

Flavor 5

Convinced that Emily will not be coming on their honeymoon, Ross sees Rachel at the airdrome and asks her if she wants to come, but sees Emily before he can get on the airplane. She runs off again, and Ross chases after her, abandoning Rachel in the process. After returning to New York, Ross again accidentally slips upward that Rachel is his married woman before correcting himself. Rachel returns from the honeymoon and is not mad at Ross for abandoning her, just at herself for making the incorrect decision. Subsequently hiring Monica to help her brand better decisions in her love life, she goes on a date with a handsome guy, Dave, simply abandons her date to comfort Ross. Monica discovers this and Rachel fires her on the spot. The post-obit solar day, she tells Ross of her feelings, but laughs virtually it, feeling ridiculous, because he is married. She tells him to forget near it as she feels that he should brand his marriage piece of work ("The One With All The Kissing"). Ross finally contacts Emily, and she tells him that she volition come to New York if he stops seeing Rachel altogether. Rachel, oblivious to this, tells him to do what he tin can to make his marriage work ("The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS") When Ross tells Rachel about his agreement with Emily, she is angry and distraught as she worries she will go the next "Kip." ("The Ane With The Kips") When Ross moves into a new apartment as function of his agreement with Emily, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Monica become convinced that Ross will soon terminate seeing them, likewise, and Joey tells him everything. Unable to stop seeing Rachel and his friends, Ross ends his spousal relationship with Emily over the phone, choosing the love of his life, over his wife. ("The One With The Yeti")

When Ross wants to buy a couch for his new flat, Rachel helps him take information technology there and a store worker mistakes them for a couple living together. Ross informs him that he and Rachel are not together, just friends. The guy laughs proverb that Ross and Rachel being a couple "doesn't quite add up", which starts to annoy Ross. Ross and Rachel tell the guy that they did go out and Ross slips up that he and Rachel have had sex activity 298 times when they were dating, shocking her with the fact he kept count. Rachel tells Ross he is a loser for doing this and he exclaims, "A loser you did it with 298 times!" ("The One With The Cop") When Chandler realizes that Ross has a crush on Katlin, the pizza delivery girl, Ross looks at Rachel not saying anything like he doesn't want to upset her, but she reminds him that they broke up ii years ago, he'south been married since and so and that it's okay for them to see other people, although Rachel does sound a little jealous when Ross says that Katlin is very sexy. ("The I Where Ross Can't Flirt") Later Rachel hears a message from Emily, who's having doubts about getting remarried the next day and who wants to hash out this with Ross. Rachel successfully convinces Ross non to telephone call Emily ("The One With The Ride-Forth").

When the gang become early to Las Vegas, Ross and Rachel accept to proceed Saturday due to different piece of work problems, he notices and watches her dancing naked in her apartment, which leads Ross to believe that Rachel wants to accept sexual practice with him then goes over to her flat. Rachel is shocked that Ross thought this and he is embarrassed. On the plane ride to Vegas, Rachel and Ross try to embarrass each other: she pours water on him to brand it look like he wet himself, and he shouts out, "NO, LADY! I DON'T Care HOW MUCH YOU WANT IT, I AM Non GONNA Take SEX WITH YOU IN THE Bathroom!" He even draws on her. ("The 1 In Vegas, Part 1")

Since Rachel is embarrassed by what Ross has washed, she doesn't desire to leave the hotel, and the two cease up getting then incredibly drunkard, they are later seen stumbling out of a wedding chapel, married ("The Ane In Vegas, Part ii").

Flavor vi, divorce

After getting wasted and married, the friends go to watch Ross and Rachel equally Ross invited them to sentinel and Joey thinks they are dating over again to which Chandler says "Well, I don't in that location's much dating as they are two bottles of vodka walking effectually in human form". Ross and Rachel don't realize they're married even after they wake up adjacent to each other naked and can't remember if they had sex. Information technology is at breakfast that their friends tell them that they got married. ("The 1 After Vegas") Ross, terrified of being divorced for the third time, tells Rachel that he will take care of getting the marriage annulled, only to secretly stay married to her. He reveals this to Phoebe, and after a secret attempt to annul the marriage, she soon becomes convinced that he is however in love with Rachel. He doggedly denies that fact, claiming that their marriage was only a drunken mistake. There are hints that Ross does, in fact, nevertheless dearest Rachel, specially when he offers to permit her move in with him when Chandler moves in with Monica. ("The One With Ross' Deprival") When she tells him, upon learning of his deceit, that she is now more angry with him than she has e'er been before, he responds by asking if she's angrier now than she was "when I said we were on a break?" The two fail to get the annulment considering of their previous relationships and differences and Rachel filling in false statements, and they are forced to get a divorce. Rachel signs the divorce papers and moves out, simply before doing so, confesses that getting married in Vegas was her idea. The 2 share a sweet, emotional moment when they both admit if they were to get married, information technology would exist "the one that stuck". ("The One With Joey's Porsche")

When Ross tries to distract Rachel on Thanksgiving, while Joey talks their friends into pretending to like the food, Ross takes Rachel out into the hallway and she misunderstands him, thinking he wants to get back together with her. Ross is surprised and confused on this and Rachel apologizes to him, proverb information technology's not the fourth dimension for them, hinting that she would like to become back together with him one-time in the future (which happens about 4 years after). Ross goes along with Rachel's comment, saying "Oh well. Can't blame a guy for trying". ("The One Where Ross Got High")

When Rachel's sister, Jill, comes to visit, Phoebe notices some chemistry betwixt her and Ross, and promptly informs Rachel, who quickly becomes horrified and paranoid. Rachel accidentally convinces Jill to enquire Ross out, even though she is against the idea of them dating. Jill and Ross go on a date, at the end of which Rachel witnesses him taking her to his flat and shutting the drapes. ("The I With Rachel's Sister") Despite Ross assuring her that he only did that to show Jill his slides, Rachel insists that Ross cancel the adjacent engagement, which he agrees to, but when Jill is upset most this and Rachel confesses her function, Jill promptly goes back to Ross' flat to get back at her. Rachel informs Ross that Jill is using him, simply he doesn't realise until Jill kisses him. He promptly breaks it off with Jill because he doesn't want to ruin the take a chance to possibly get dorsum together with Rachel in the hereafter. ("The One Where Chandler Tin can't Weep"). In an alternate universe, later Rachel catches her married man Barry in bed with the neighbor'due south domestic dog walker and Ross finds out his wife Carol is gay after Rachel tells him, Ross apologizes that Barry has cheated on her and she apologizes that Carol is gay. It is shown in this episode that even in an alternate universe, Ross and Rachel could end upwards together. ("The One That Could Have Been, Office ii")

Afterward in the season after Ross becomes a paleontology professor at the New York University, he meets and begins dating one of his students, Elizabeth Stevens, despite it beingness confronting university rules. ("The One Where Ross Dates A Student") When her begetter Paul objects to the relationship, Ross seeks Paul's approval and the rest of the grouping unsuccessfully endeavor to back him up. Ross is soon shocked to find Rachel and Paul making out at Rachel and Joey'south apartment. When Ross flips out at Rachel for making out with Paul, she compares this to when he dated her sister. Ross says information technology's different, challenge "This is weird for ME!" Ross and Rachel's attempts to go Paul to like Ross derail during a dinner date, specially after Rachel lets slip that Ross has been married three times, including to her. ("The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad") Paul tells Ross that he disapproves of his relationship with Elizabeth and threatens to have him fired if they continue seeing each other. Deciding to continue their relationship, Ross and Elizabeth sneak away to her family's cabin, not knowing Paul and Rachel have the same thought. Rachel is and so forced to hide Ross from Paul to proceed him from beingness discovered. While hiding in the bedroom, Ross catches Paul doing an embarrassing little dance calling himself "the man" and "the honey machine". When Ross is finally caught by Paul, who threatens to have him fired from his chore, Ross subtly threatens to tell Rachel about Paul's trip the light fantastic toe unless he gives him and Elizabeth his blessing. ("The One Where Paul's The Human being") Both relationships soon come to an stop at the end of the season; Rachel dumps Paul subsequently he cannot cease crying ("The One With The Ring") and Ross reluctantly breaks upwardly with Elizabeth subsequently concluding that she is too immature for him and that they have no future together. ("The I With The Proposal, Part ane")

Subsequently talking to Phoebe about backup marriages, Rachel visits Ross and suggests that if neither of them is married by the time they're twoscore, they should become married and mentions that they accept slept together, but he tells her that he already has a fill-in - Phoebe - and Rachel is confused since Phoebe has just told her that her backup is Joey. When Rachel talks to Phoebe about the fact Phoebe picked both Ross and Joey equally her backup (and Phoebe reveals she had an agreement with Chandler too), Rachel makes Phoebe choose a napkin that has both the guy's names on and the girls have to choose. When Rachel gets Joey every bit her backup, Phoebe gets Ross and they switch, therefore Rachel gets Ross as her fill-in (which foreshadows the fact that Rachel and Ross do end upward together and get married). ("The One With The Proposal, Role 2")

Season 7

The two almost sleep together once more every bit a "bonus night", on the night of Monica and Chandler'southward engagement. Later in the episode, Rachel admits it was simply because she was lamentable almost the fact that she will not be getting married. ("The One With Monica's Thunder")

The two agree that they should accept had an appointment present from their friends because of their Vegas wedding, from their friends, when Monica and Chandler want engagement presents from their friends. ("The I With Phoebe's Cookies") When Rachel and Phoebe are arguing over who gets to be Monica's maid of honor, Phoebe asks Rachel to be hers in lodge for Phoebe to be Monica's "because this one is at present!" Rachel is offended when Phoebe says, "Who knows what y'all're gonna marry?" and Rachel asks, "What if I marry Ross?" (which basically foreshadows that Ross and Rachel exercise end up getting married). Rachel as well flirts with Ross when he enters her apartment in a fashion to go him to choose her to be Monica's maid of honor, which he appears to like every bit he is left smiling to himself later she walks out. ("The One With The Nap Partners")

When Joey says he is "getting a new encephalon" for his grapheme on Days of our Lives, he also slips upwardly that Ross hasn't had sex for 3 and a half months and Rachel gives Ross a flirty await, confusing him, hinting and possibly foreshadowing the fact Ross and Rachel could end upwards sleeping together again (which happens a calendar month before Monica and Chandler'southward wedding.) ("The One With Joey'southward New Brain")

Season 8, daughter

Secretly, Rachel and Ross do terminate upward sleeping together a month before Monica and Chandler'south wedding ceremony, which results in Rachel condign meaning. Rachel is reluctant to reveal the identity of the father to anyone, but Joey unearths a ruby sweater left at his flat, which he, Phoebe and Monica somewhen realise is Ross'. ("The One With The Red Sweater") Rachel tells Ross about her pregnancy, later he initially thinks she wants to become dorsum together with him. He at beginning is aroused near the fact that condoms but piece of work 97% of the time, but upon realizing he overreacted, he shows up at Rachel's doctor appointment and says he wants to be there through everything, while bold they'll be getting married. Rachel says that they are not in love then she does not desire to get married and that she can do this alone, which Ross disagrees with. They manage to at-home downwardly when they encounter the ultrasound, only Rachel freaks out when she can't see her own baby on the ultrasound picture, forcing Ross to point it out to her, reassuring her. ("The Ane Where Rachel Tells...") The two explain their run into to the friends: Rachel forgot to mail out the wedding invitations and rushed home to find Ross there and he agreed to help her out. However, they disagree equally to who came onto whom; Rachel claiming it was Ross and Ross claiming it was Rachel; he accidentally reveals he has their encounter on videotape. He explains that it had been six months since he had sexual activity and he came to Joey for communication. Joey told him a story guaranteed to consequence in sex, simply when Ross kept telling the story wrong, Joey encouraged him to film himself with his video camera. Ross forgot about it all when Rachel came in. The friends sentinel the record to settle the statement, and information technology turns out Rachel was the i who came onto Ross by using the sex story on him. Later on, the two reminisce on the tape, and decide to watch the balance of information technology to see how they looked doing information technology. ("The Ane With The Videotape")

Ross becomes upset and worried when Joey sets Rachel up with Kash, a co-star from Days of our Lives and is worried about Rachel and the babe. Joey assures Ross that he shouldn't worry considering no thing what, at that place volition be a brand new little baby, his baby. Ross comforts Rachel when her date fails due to her telling Cash she'southward pregnant. Rachel seems to want to start things up over again with Ross until she sees him getting a drink with Mona, the girl from the wedding ceremony, leaving Rachel sad. ("The One With Rachel'southward Date")

While Rachel has dinner with her begetter, she reveals to him that she is significant with Ross' babe. At first she lies that she and Ross will be getting married, Rachel tells her male parent that they are not getting married, and when he gets aroused, she says that Ross called her damaged goods. This results in her father confronting Ross while he is on a engagement with Mona, offending her by calling her a tramp. Mona is shocked and appalled well-nigh this, especially after learning that Ross offered to ally Rachel, simply he claims "I didn't desire to". Ross confronts Rachel, who promises to sort things out. Rachel somewhen manages to talk Mona into forgiving Ross, assuring her that she and Ross are non getting back together. While bankroll him up, Rachel says "Nosotros drove each other crazy! He was possessive, he was jealous, he could never only allow the fiddling things become! Simply, none of that compared to how kind and-and how gentle and thoughtful he is." She also manages to tell her father well-nigh the truth about why she and Ross are non getting married, but for him to yell at her over the phone. ("The Ane With The Stripper")

Monica invites a loftier school friend, Volition, who was a loser like Ross in high school and has since lost weight and become a gorgeous guy, to her Thanksgiving dinner. However, he reacts very badly when learning that Rachel, who he hated in high school because of her bullying him, volition be joining them for dinner. Rachel is immediately attracted to Volition, unable to recognise him, but Will is openly hostile and this culminates in his proud announcement that he – and Ross – founded the "I Hate Rachel" club in high schoolhouse and initiated a rumour that she was a hermaphrodite, which was spread throughout their unabridged high school. Rachel feels betrayed by Ross, until Monica reminds her that she started a rumor of her own that Ross fabricated out with the school's 50-year-old librarian, though a horrified Ross confirms information technology as truthful. Rachel demands that Ross recant the rumour past calling everyone from school, but Monica puts them both in their place by reminding them that Rachel's rumour put Ross on the social radar, that Ross and Will'due south rumour had no result whatsoever on Rachel's queen bee status, and that they're having a baby together. Will is completely dumbfounded past this revelation, only takes pleasure in the fact that Ross got Rachel pregnant but isn't going to ally her. ("The One With The Rumor")

Around the four months time of the pregnancy, Rachel gets to the phase where she flirts with a lot of guys, including Ross, asking him how things are going with Mona, disruptive him. He is especially startled that Mona is moving their relationship too fast by suggesting they mail service Christmas cards together. When she asks him where their relationship is going, he panics and gives her a key to his apartment, just to change the locks because that was the only fundamental he had, and then tells her he loves her when he doesn't really mean it. ("The One With Ross' Step Forrard")

While Rachel is significant, Joey takes her out on a date to comfort her due to the fact that she will not be able to date for a while just he ends up developing romantic feelings for her. ("The One Where Joey Dates Rachel") Information technology is at Joey'southward suggestion that Rachel and Ross move in together, which Rachel agrees to, much to the please of Ross who has been feeling left out of the pregnancy. ("The One With The Secret Closet") This results in Mona breaking upwardly with Ross when she finds out from Rachel before Ross could tell her, and Joey tells Ross near his feelings for Rachel. ("The I With The Birthing Video") Ross initially becomes angry only gives Joey his blessing. Joey tells Rachel that he loves her but she does not reciprocate his feelings. ("The One Where Joey Tells Rachel") After some awkwardness, the 2 become friends again. ("The One With The Tea Leaves")

When Ross and Rachel attend his parents wedding anniversary dinner, they are asked past Ross' parents to pretend to be married since they take told their friends that Ross and Rachel are married, considering of the baby coming. Although Ross and Rachel are bellyaching by this at first, they agree to go forth with information technology. Ross makes up a story most how he proposed to Rachel and she is amazed and touched by this. Still, back abode Rachel asks Ross if he just made up the proposal story and he reveals it wasn't made up, but information technology is how Ross imagined he would enquire Rachel to ally him if they were all the same going out and he thought nearly it when they were dating. Rachel is deeply touched by this and admits that she would defiantly say yep considering it would be something very hard to say no to and she'll retrieve about it. ("The One In Massapequa") This foretells that they practice get married once more.

About the cease of her pregnancy, Rachel becomes terrified when she realizes that she knows virtually nix nearly how to care for a baby, but Ross manages to convince her that she will be a good mother and she kisses him equally a thank you for what he said. ("The One With The Baby Shower") She also becomes jealous and irritated with Ross when he goes out on a date a week before the baby is due. When Ross returns from his date, she tells him that she doesn't want him to date because she wants him to be constantly available to her. Despite her being unreasonable, Ross agrees to put dating on hold to be there for her and the infant. Ross fifty-fifty asks Rachel if she wants "more" than just roommates since she is having his babe and Rachel says maybe, possibly hinting she might still or have feelings for Ross again. However, he assures her he is just messing with her, Rachel having washed the same to Ross earlier in the episode, causing awkwardness between the two for a few seconds. ("The I With The Cooking Grade") When Rachel is 8 days past her due date, she becomes moody, and snaps at everyone, making everyone around her miserable. Ross, in particular, is on the receiving stop of her moodiness. However, he agrees to have sex with Rachel, hoping it might cause her to go into labour. Later a few seconds of kissing, Rachel's waters break, and she and Ross share some other osculation before going to the hospital. ("The Ane Where Rachel Is Late")

When Rachel has a go at a nurse about the fact she tin't have her infant next considering she is only dilated 3cm, she pretends that Ross is her husband, but stops him equally he is near to say something. Soon after, Janice is revealed to exist the side by side adult female to come up and she thinks that Ross and Rachel are married, congratulating them on the baby, but Ross assures Janice that he and Rachel are not married, they're just having Emma together. After 21 hours of labor, Emma Geller-Greene is finally born to Rachel and Ross, who are extremely happy at her arrival. Janice later stops by and convinces Rachel that Ross will non stay around forever and might meet someone else, which causes Rachel to feel very lone. She tries to talk to him well-nigh the buss they had, but Ross does not want to have a relationship with Rachel once again because it would hurt Emma if they broke up once more. However, Phoebe convinces him that it could work out and that he would have everything he has dreamed of since he was fifteen. Joey tries to condolement Rachel while Ross is talking to Phoebe and accidentally proposes to Rachel, which she accepts. In another office of the hospital, Ross decides to try and become for it with Rachel and buys some flowers for her. ("The One Where Rachel Has A Baby, Office 2")

Season 9

After Emma is built-in, Ross wants to talk about condign a couple again to Rachel, who thinks she is engaged to Joey, but he doesn't get the take chances to talk to her due to abiding interruptions. After talking to Phoebe and after 48 hours of beingness awake, Ross manages to convince himself that he proposed to Rachel. Somewhen, Ross, Joey, and Rachel clear up the misunderstandings, and Rachel is touched when Joey says that Ross was gonna advise, just he tells her he merely wants to mayhap outset dating again. Rachel and Ross finally speak about potentially starting to date again. However, Ross realizes that Rachel agreed to marry Joey right after having their child, which angers him. ("The One Where No One Proposes") When Joey has to fill up out Ross' grade, (because he'due south broken his thumb due to what has happened between the two) he asks him about his relationship with Rachel, request if Ross and Rachel are gonna go together. Ross, however, doesn't think so and Joey says that they are meant to be together. Despite wanting to make things work earlier, Ross decides to simply be friends with Rachel because she would take accepted anyone's proposal, and Ross wants to exist more than than but "anyone". Rachel confronts Ross, telling him that she never really wanted to ally Joey. Ross seems to think that Rachel wants to get back together with him when she asks "You lot know what I actually want?", which he questions her about, just she just says she wants to take a shower and slumber. The two have a very sweet moment when Ross tells Rachel he'due south here for her since Emma "is not like shooting fish in a barrel". ("The One Where Emma Cries") Ross and Rachel go along living together to make things with Emma easier, merely they motility apart when Ross interferes in Rachel's social life and hides a message from a man that she meets in a bar. ("The One With Rachel's Phone Number")

Rachel, believing that her co-worker Gavin Mitchell is trying to steal her chore while she is on maternity leave, returns to Ralph Lauren early on, though he softens up to offer to watch Emma while Rachel handles an important presentation at piece of work. ("The 1 Where Rachel Goes Back To Piece of work") Things come to a head when Rachel discovers at her birthday party that Gavin has feelings for her and they kiss on Monica'due south balcony, unbeknownst to them Ross watches from his apartment window. ("The One With Phoebe's Rats) Rachel and Gavin decide not to do anything nearly information technology due to her history with Ross; but Ross tries to get back at Rachel past dating other women. After Ross and Rachel argue, she realizes that their situation is besides weird, so she moves back in with Joey. ("The One Where Monica Sings") In an try to make them see they belong together, Phoebe and Joey ready Ross and Rachel up with horrible blind dates. Ross and Rachel eventually manage to talk to each other well-nigh their blind dates, only to cease up chasing subsequently Phoebe and Joey upon figuring out they were behind them. ("The One With The Bullheaded Dates")

Rachel does develop feelings for Joey later seeing him deed a dear scene on Days of our Lives ("The Ane With Rachel's Dream"), and at a soap opera rooftop party he is belongings at their building, she decides to osculation him. However, she and Ross catch him kissing Charlie Wheeler, a new professor at Ross' academy he has simply met. ("The One With The Soap Opera Party") This culminates in a trip to Barbados where Joey and Rachel hang out with each other while Charlie helps Ross recreate his oral communication for a paleontology conference. ("The One In Barbados, Part 1") Joey and Charlie shortly realize they accept nil in common so break up, and Joey turns to Rachel for comfort. When he realizes that Rachel likes him, he decides non to pursue a human relationship with her because of Ross. Yet, Joey sees Ross kissing Charlie and goes into Rachel's room to kiss her. ("The Ane In Barbados, Function 2)

Season 10

Rachel and Joey determine to talk to Ross about their human relationship, while Ross tries to talk to Joey about his relationship with Charlie. Ross confesses his relationship to Joey merely Joey chickens out. Ross later walks in on Rachel and Joey kissing. ("The One Afterward Joey And Rachel Osculation") To prove them he's fine with the relationship, Ross invites Rachel and Joey on a double-date with him and Charlie. They hold just Ross gets drunk at the awkward engagement. Joey stays with Ross overnight to make sure he'south okay and they talk. Ross realizes that he has been apart from Rachel for and then long that he shouldn't finish Joey and Rachel's human relationship. He does give Joey his blessing even though it still hurts him because they should see where the relationship is going. ("The Ane Where Ross Is Fine")

Nonetheless, Rachel and Joey soon find information technology impossible to complete their new relationship and, realizing their friendship is besides strong to take things further, make up one's mind to remain friends. ("The One With Ross' Tan") Charlie before long breaks up with Ross to become back together with her ex-fellow. ("The One With Ross' Grant")

When the nanny, Molly, gets sick and can't wait after Emma, Rachel starts to concord on letting her sister, Amy, babysit Emma, just Ross is against this. When Rachel questions Ross virtually this, he says, for one thing, Amy keeps calling Emma Ella. Rachel says she likes that name and Ross says they'll call the next 1 Ella, shocking Rachel ("The adjacent i?!") and he tries to convince Rachel to not let Amy look after Emma, foreshadowing that Ross and Rachel could or might have some other kid quondam in the future if they do finish upward married. ("The I Where Rachel's Sister Baby-Sits")

When Rachel'due south dad has a heart attack, Ross goes to the hospital with her and comforts her. Later, when they are at the business firm Rachel grew up in, she tries to seduce him. He rejects her, still, knowing she is just upset near her dad. When they go back to New York, Rachel tells Ross that they will never fully be "off the table", as there volition always be a take a chance for something to happen between them. ("The One Where Joey Speaks French")

After Rachel loses her job at Ralph Lauren, Ross comforts her and helps her motion her stuff out of her office. The 2 run across Marking Robinson, Rachel'southward quondam co-worker, who Ross was jealous of while he and Rachel were dating. Mark offers to talk to Rachel about a job opening at Louis Vuitton over dinner, which leaves Ross feeling jealous. Ross gets over his jealousy when Rachel reveals that he is married with children, but he is shocked when Rachel announces that her new job is in Paris. ("The One With Princess Consuela")

Ross agrees to try to piece of work things out with Rachel for Emma since this job opportunity is important to her. Notwithstanding, not wanting her to go out, Ross goes to Ralph Lauren and attempts to get Rachel'south old task dorsum for her, which proves successful later on bribing her boss. Subsequently seeing how much having a task in Paris means to Rachel, he agrees to allow her leave for Paris. However, Ross is visibly upset past her decision to get out and is seen to put some other bribe in his pocketbook. ("The 1 Where Estelle Dies")

Monica throws a leaving party for Rachel ("The One with Rachel'due south Going Away Political party") - during this Rachel talks to everyone virtually how she will miss them, but doesn't speak to Ross. This makes Ross furious and he confronts her, just for her to tell him she volition miss him most of all and the but reason why she didn't speak to him at the party was because it was too difficult for her. This revelation leads to a kiss and they end upwardly in his sleeping accommodation.

In "The Concluding One", it is revealed that they slept together afterward kissing. Ross then tells Phoebe and Joey that he loves Rachel and doesn't want her to movement to Paris. Ross is almost to tell Rachel he loves her when she states that sleeping with each other was the perfect way for them to say goodbye and afterwards sees Rachel reject Gunther's declaration of dearest, causing Ross to change his heed about declaring his honey for her. Later, when Rachel has fix off to the airport, Ross, regretting his decision, chases afterwards her with Phoebe at his side so he can confess his love to her. When he tells her at the airdrome, however, she leaves looking flustered.

Later on, Ross is in his flat, feeling rejected. He receives a message from Rachel, who repeatedly says that she loves him and realizes that she wants to exist with Ross. Nonetheless, a flying attendant tries to make her sit down and the motorcar cuts before we can know if she did get off the plane. As Ross tries to brand the auto work, nosotros hear Rachel'due south voice maxim that she indeed got off the plane. Ross turns around and Rachel is here, continuing in the doorway. They kiss passionately and get back together, both stating that this is where they want to be, that they will no longer mess around and exist stupid. Ross then says "Unless we're on a break" but after Rachel gives him a look of disapproval, he adds "Don't brand jokes now" and they kiss again.

In the final scene, they are seen together in the empty apartment, cuddling and belongings easily.

Joey (Goggle box Series) and afterwards

In the first episode of Joey, Joey Tribbianni says "I was happy in New York and I tried to continue everything the same only things kept changing. All of my friends got married and had kids and moved on." At another point later in the serial, Joey says to Alex "I've but said I love you to i woman and she was pregnant with my all-time friend's infant and they ended up together".

Some people cull to believe that the above lines imply that Ross and Rachel remarried one another, others point out that considering their history and patterns this would exist unlikely. In fact, Joey's statements are vague and can be interpreted in different ways:

  • Ross and Rachel may take indeed stayed together for a long time after the series finale, and fifty-fifty remarried at some point. Some of the crew have stated they believed and then. In "The Concluding One, Part ii" both Rachel and Ross stated that "this was it", and they wanted to get in work. It is possible that Joey'south line "got married" referred to Ross and Rachel marrying each other, and "ended up together" referred to the point in time when Joey talked, a few months afterwards "The Last One", rather than the day depicted in the concluding episode of the show. Unlike all previous times when Ross and Rachel got back together and broke shortly after, this time they are older, more mature and even have a child together. All this could, and should, encourage them to try harder than before.
  • It is possible that Joey's line "got married" refers to Chandler, Monica and Phoebe, or he may have referred to Ross and Rachel'southward drunken wedding in Las Vegas. "Ended upwards together" may take referred to the mean solar day depicted in "The Last One, Part two". The lack of agreement, the lack of respect, the lack of communication, and the lack of trust between Ross and Rachel, and the breaking up shortly afterward they get together, are patterns which repeat throughout the terminal seven years of the show, and could possibly continue to echo after "The Last One".
    • Since Joey never clearly says "Rachel remarried Ross" (or vice versa), both Ross and Rachel may have married dissimilar people -- such a situation has already happened before in season iv and 5, when Ross fell in love with Emily Waltham and married her, and at the same time Rachel proposed to Joshua Burgin and would accept married him if he didn't freak out.

The lack of a reference -- both reliable and in-universe -- Rachel and Ross marrying each other subsequently "The Terminal 1, Role two" or fifty-fifty staying together after the terminal scene, often cause speculations and disagreements amongst fans nigh what might accept happened after the last episode. Until at that place are official episodes of a Friends continuation, this question cannot be answered.


  • "Ross and Rachel" are the main pairing on the show.
  • Arguably, more than any other aspect of Friends, the infamy of the "Ross and Rachel" pairing almost entered the dictionary of pop culture. To this day, many off-again/on-again relationships on television are inevitably compared to Ross and Rachel.
  • The relationship of Ross and Rachel has been listed past TV Guide as the greatest "Will They/Won't They" tv set couple of all time.
  • Ross and Rachel are oft considered a prime number case of a toxic couple.
  • Ross Geller and Rachel Greene share the aforementioned initials (R.M.)
  • Their relationship starts with Rachel trying to catch Ross in an airport and the series ends with Ross trying to catch Rachel in an aerodrome.
  • Ross and Rachel had sex 300 times: In "The One With The Cop", Ross tells a store clerk that he and Rachel had sex 298 times. If you count the i where Emma got conceived ("The Ane With The Video Tape") and when Rachel gets set up to get out for Paris in The Last 1, Part 1, it adds upward to 300 times. Even so, if you count the time in "The I After Vegas", where it is unsaid that information technology happened after they both woke up without clothing the morning after their drunken marriage, then this would actually be 301 times during the show'due south run. There are also hints that they had sex at other times too.
  • Rachel did many horrible things to Ross in loftier schoolhouse, the most notable 1 existence that she told people about him making out with the school librarian.
  • Ross and Rachel have done everything together over the span more than 10 years knowing each other: they started out every bit friends, moved on to dating, had sex, broke upwards, got back together and bankrupt upward several times, drunkenly got married to each other, then divorced each other, had a child (Emma Geller-Greene) and got back together in "The Last Ane, Part 2". It is unknown how long they stay together later on "The Terminal Ane, Part 2".
  • They have broken up and gotten back together diverse times throughout the serial before getting back together in "The Terminal Ane, Office 2". There is no reliable in-universe reference almost how long they stay together and whether they break upwards again.
  • Ross and Rachel accept been thought to be married three times past different people - start in "The One In Massapequa" by his parents' friends, by Katie the assistant in the baby shop and then past Janice in "The One Where Rachel Has A Baby, Part 2".
  • All their friends ship them as a couple, which is first shown in "The One Where Rachel Finds Out", especially Monica and Phoebe.
  • When Ross was in love with Emily Waltham and simply married her and was trying to observe her and bring her back, Rachel told him she still loved him in "The One With All The Kissing".
  • Ross told her father he loved and cared about Rachel in "The One With The Stripper".
  • Ross admitted to Phoebe that he loved Rachel in "The One Where Rachel Has A Infant, Office two".
  • They both had a tendency to go jealous of people the other person has dated.
  • They said they loved each other for the starting time time in "The One Where Old Yeller Dies".
  • In that location were many hints later on breaking upwardly that Ross and Rachel would reunite before getting back together.
  • There were many episodes throughout the series that focused on Rachel and Ross' human relationship.
  • Jennifer Aniston thought that Ross and Rachel got remarried afterward the series concluded and had at least one more child.[1] It is important to keep in listen that Aniston is only the extra who read lines someone else wrote for her, and until there are more than official episodes, she has no mode of knowing what happens in the fictional universe afterward "The Terminal I".
    • In a June 2019 interview, Aniston said she thinks Rachel would be busy raising her daughter Emma and that she and Ross would still exist together. [2]
    • In October 2019, while heavily promoting her new social media business relationship, on a question on whether Ross and Rachel are still together, Aniston stated "Well, nosotros're on a suspension". She speculated that they were getting into way too much arguments with each other and and so they decided to go on a break and allow them to mix with other people.[3]
    • During the reunion special, Aniston and co-star David Schwimmer said that they idea that Ross and Rachel got remarried, stayed together and had more than kids.
  • They are very like to Finn and Rachel from Glee. Notwithstanding, they are mostly similar to Josh and Gabi from Young & Hungry, because of the "on-once more-off-again" relationship throughout the show, before officially getting back together. They also deport a similarity to Ted and Robin from How I Met Your Mother who dated for effectually 12 months earlier getting dorsum together in the series finale.


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  1. [1]
  2. [2]
  3. [three]


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