Why Does My Lg Phone Make Me Do Setup Wizard Again

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- #1
Is there a way to featherbed the whole thing?
- #2
- #3
I got my G Flex two dorsum from LG. Was working fine. and then I stopped receiving texts in general. restarted the phone several times and still no assist. So I did a manufactory reset since there wasnt anything really important on there. And when I try and go past the setup process, it keeps giving me a force close saying LG SETUPWIZARD has stopped.Is there a way to featherbed the whole thing?
Yes.. tap the iv corners of the setup screen (i recollect y'all take to offset from superlative left, and so meridian right, bottom right then lesser left)
- #4
I got my One thousand Flex 2 back from LG. Was working fine. then I stopped receiving texts in general. restarted the phone several times and still no help. Then I did a factory reset since there wasnt anything really important on there. And when I try and become past the setup process, it keeps giving me a force shut maxim LG SETUPWIZARD has stopped.Is there a manner to bypass the whole thing?
Like this ane

- #5
one] connect to wifi 1
2] connect to wifi 2 (just start hotspot from anywher, - the purpose is only to invoke connection optimizer)
3]side by side , side by side till configuring screen
four] When you are on configuring screen , later on some time (may even take 30minutes) a dialog/message box of connection optimizer will pop upwards, scroll down on that and press "here". It will open up chrome.
5] In chrome , press carte -> help and feedback->bill of fare -> view in play shop.
6]In play shop open google (search) app and open it . Search for settings and open information technology .
7]In settings , goto apps -> detect setup wizard , force stop and disable it.
At this point y'all have successfully bypassed configuring screen.Then on what you do next is up to you!!
- #6
articulate data from recovery , reboot the phone ,
1] connect to wifi 1
two] connect to wifi 2 (just start hotspot from anywher, - the purpose is just to invoke connection optimizer)
3]next , adjacent till configuring screen
iv] When you are on configuring screen , after some time (may even take 30minutes) a dialog/message box of connexion optimizer will pop up, scroll down on that and press "here". It will open up chrome.
five] In chrome , press bill of fare -> assist and feedback->menu -> view in play store.
6]In play store open google (search) app and open it . Search for settings and open it .
7]In settings , goto apps -> notice setup wizard , force end and disable it.At this point you lot have successfully bypassed configuring screen.Then on what you lot do next is up to you lot!!
I am having a similar problem as the original poster. I reset my telephone and the setup wizard is just looping through. I can get to settings if I time it right, and so I tried to force finish the setup wizard, merely then I can't disable it. When I back out of settings it starts back up. I can't even reset information technology again because that option is not in the settings anymore. I likewise tin can't go to recovery mode by belongings the volume downwardly button and power button.
Whatever other suggestions?
- #viii
I am having a similar problem equally the original poster. I reset my telephone and the setup wizard is just looping through. I can get to settings if I time information technology right, then I tried to strength stop the setup wizard, only so I can't disable it. When I dorsum out of settings it starts back up. I can't even reset information technology again because that option is not in the settings anymore. I likewise can't get to recovery mode by property the volume down push button and power button.Any other suggestions?
When you enter the device afterwards connexion optimizer thing, attempt to get to file manager and adhere any usb otg with rooted file system. Afterward that copy the .img file to internal and root information technology. Subsequently device is rooted, do the same process to get in and follow the procedure on the 1st mail .
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